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Janet Berkow

Originally from the East Coast, Janet is an artist and writer who received her BFA in Painting from SUNY Purchase, later moving to Seattle where she received her MFA in Painting from UW School of Art. She taught at Antioch University and for the City of Lynnwood, and then detoured into the theater world where she worked as a scenic artist for Intiman, Seattle Rep, Seattle Opera, and The Group Theater. She then moved into arts management, first as Company Manager at The Group Theater, then as Program and Education Director at Pratt Fine Arts Center. While at Pratt, Janet became friends with Barbara Robertson, who invited her to join her in the creation of a new nonprofit print organization, which would host a symposium at the Henry Gallery. And the rest, as they say, is history. Janet served on the SPA Board for 8 years, working on organizational development, event production, fundraising, and serving as Treasurer for several years. She was also co-Chair for the Seattle part of the first China Exchange with Shenzhen. While Janet continues to write and make art and cheer on SPA, her professional life is now in the world of technology, and her free time is usually spent playing with her dogs and her horse.